Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spooky Empire's "Ultimate Horror Weekend" was amazing!!! Drawing Zombie Caricatures this weekend was the most fun I have ever had drawing at an event. Being that we were drawing Zombies, we had total freedom to exaggerate as much as we wanted. And the crowd loved it.

Working with Sean Gardner was awesome. He's one of the few artist that I work with, that knows what a real caricature is. He exaggerates to the extreme. His likeness is always on. And he pushes me to do better. Thank you Sean for inviting me out to draw with you this weekend.

Below are some caricatures we did at "Ultimate Horror Weekend". I was only able to take two pictures of mine because I don't have a camera. The top two are mine and the rest are Sean's. Enjoy...


Niall O loughlin said...

Amazing work man.

Ken Knafou said...

Nice sketches from both of you. How much time did you guys spend on these?

NEM said...

Thanks guys!!! It took us around 15min per person. Sometimes 20 because we try to draw each person different. It's hard to come up with something new every time. But it was a lot of fun.